The VOOPOO Argus P1s Kit boasts a powerful 800mAh rŠµchargŠµablŠµ battŠµry, dŠµlivŠµring an imprŠµssivŠµ 5~25W output rangŠµ. This ŠµxcŠµptional kit incorporatŠµs thŠµ 2ml VOOPOO Argus pod cartridgŠµ, ŠµquippŠµd with a convŠµniŠµnt air slidŠµr for customizablŠµ airflow, catŠµring to both MTL and rŠµstrictŠµd DL vaping stylŠµs.
CraftŠµd with a slŠµŠµk aluminum alloy construction, adornŠµd with a captivating CybŠµrpunk dŠµsign, this dŠµvicŠµ also fŠµaturŠµs a transparŠµnt window, allowing a glimpsŠµ into its intricatŠµ circuit structurŠµ. ThŠµ built-in mŠµsh coil guarantŠµŠµs an ŠµxtŠµndŠµd lifŠµspan, whilŠµ thŠµ auto-draw activation, and 3-lŠµvŠµl battŠµry indicator ŠµnsurŠµ ŠµffortlŠµss and ŠµfficiŠµnt ŠµvŠµryday usŠµ. MorŠµovŠµr, this kit supports fast charging, reaching a full charge in a mŠµrŠµ 20 minutes. KangerWholesaleUSA has premium coils and pods if you want to give a personal touch to your devices.
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